The "Yes, They're Diamonds" Studs

69 Halsey St, Ny 10002, New York, United States
(0091) 8547 632521
Lab Created White Diamond
0.45-0.55 Carat Total Weight
Quality is near colorless and slightly included
We are accepting orders, but shipping is delayed due to Covid-19
Change to “Diamond color is graded on a scale from D to Z. Once the color is past Z, diamonds become fancy which is a whole other world all of its own. All of our white diamonds will fall between D and I (colorless to near colorless).
No diamond is completely perfect, but to the untrained eye (so, basically everyone) they get pretty close. The general scale goes from “Included” (lots of imperfections called “inclusions”) to “Slightly Included,” to “Very Slightly Included,” all the way up to “Flawless.” We don’t carry anything in the lower end of that scale… because standards. And while we rarely recommend a diamond at the top end of the range (it’ll be so expensive but look the same as one a few pegs down)... we’ll be happy to supply it for you.
We provide a wide range of different carat sizes for your setting and your budget.
Not sure how big a carat is? Print out our carat size guide so you can compare sizes IRL instead of guessing (or worse, going to see a jewelry salesman).
All Loop white diamonds are ethically sourced, GIA graded, and pre-screened by a diamond expert looking for everything the certificates don’t tell you.
Our round white diamonds are GIA triple excellent (cut, symmetry, polish).
All Loop white diamonds are ethically sourced, GIA graded, and pre-screened by a diamond expert.
Because fancy shapes such as emerald, cushion, and oval diamonds aren't calibrated in the same way as white round diamonds, we sort through and only select white fancy shape diamonds that have excellent or very good polish and symmetry.
Loop screens each black diamond individually to ensure you’ll always get a high-quality diamond. They are cut and treated* to give them their deep black color and unique sparkle.
*Our treated black diamonds are either irradiated or subjected to low pressure, high-temperature annealing (graphitization) to provide a consistent color throughout.
Loop only selects natural and untreated champagne diamonds that have rich, sparkling color. They're screened individually to ensure you'll get a high quality diamond.
Every Loop ring includes 100 day returns/exchanges, lifetime guarantee, annual cleaning & maintenance, 100 day re-sizing, and free shipping.
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